This morning's edition of NBC's Today show featured an interview with V. Gene Robinson, the bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (better known as simply the "Episcopal Church"). You may remember the copious amounts of air time his story received back in 2003 when he was elected to this position. The controversy surrounded his open admissions of homosexual behavior.
In the years that followed these events, numerous congregations within the Episcopal denomination have broken their ties with the governing body and have since aligned themselves with other groups. The reason for Mr. Robinson's appearance on the Today show was the release of his new book, In The Eye Of The Storm: Swept To The Center By God. Robinson also appeared in the film, For The Bible Tells Me So, a documentary promoted at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival (scroll to the bottom of this post and click on the video box to see the trailer for this film).
While listening to the interview this morning, I took a pen and a sheet of paper and jotted down a few of the more notable statements made by Mr. Robinson. Here are just a few:
- Robinson compared himself to the prophets of the Bible, citing the persecution he feels.
- He likened the "discrimination" against gays to the subjugation of women and slavery.
- Mr. Robinson said he knows many people who are "unashamedly gay and unashamedly Christian."
- He said there is a need to "re-interpret the Scriptures."
- Robinson claims that God has called him into the lifestyle of homosexuality so that he can fulfill the role he is now playing.
Where does one begin in answering these statements? Let's briefly take them one by one, shall we?
- The prophets of the Bible were persecuted for their unwavering support and defense of God's word; Mr. Robinson is being criticized for his blatant disregard for that same word.
- The opposition Mr. Robinson receives from Bible believers is not to be compared with social disasters like slavery and racism. Individuals who supported slavery in the past, and individuals who harbor racist attitudes today violate the word of God in so doing. Those who lovingly teach the truth about the sin of homosexuality as it is revealed in Scripture are following in the footsteps of the Lord. Does anyone else find Mr. Robinson's comparison to slavery offensive?
- There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian. The two terms contradict one another. A Christian is one who follows the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. If there are "gay Christians," as Mr. Robinson claims, there must also be adulterous Christians, fornicator Christians, thief Christians, and the like. The truth of the matter is that no man or woman who continues in a lifestyle of sin and rebellion to God's word will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).
- The need is not in "re-interpreting the Scriptures." The need is for more people to show genuine love for Christ by humbly obeying Him (John 14:15).
- God does not call men to a lifestyle of sin. He does not compel anyone to practice that which will leave their soul in peril. On the contrary, the Lord calls men out of darkness and into the light of truth by the gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:14).
It should be noted that we should never support any effort that would attack another human being, be it by words or physical violence. Anyone who spews venomous, hateful words in the direction of another also violates the law of God.
This being said, it is truly unfortunate that the propaganda machine used by many so-called "gay rights" groups paints with such a broad brush. Those of us who defend the truth and purity if the Bible and its teachings on homosexuality are often lumped in with the screaming, red-faced radicals hurling profanity-laced insults. Truly unfortunate.
It can only be hoped that those who have honest and sincere hearts can step back from the useless political debates to see the difference between those who hate homosexuals and those who love them enough to tell the truth. Gene Robinson would have you believe a loving attitude and teaching the sinfulness of homosexuality are mutually exclusive. That's a claim that will sell books...maybe even get him on a bestseller's list or two. But it is a claim that cannot be backed up by the word of God.
Let's speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).