Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Wonderful Simplicity Of God's Law

When a judge in Greensboro, North Carolina issued the oath of citizenship to fifty individuals, he advised them to obey the "Ten Commandments." If they did, he said, they need not worry about keeping over 35-million laws which have been enacted in their new country.

A disclaimer needs to be made here. Students of the Bible will observe that we are under a different law today -- that is, "the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2). It will also be observed that in death, Christ abolished the Old Law (Colossians 2:14), thus placing into effect a new and better covenant (Hebrews 7:22; 8:6). Thus, any council to live one's life by a set of religious laws that were for a different people at a different time may not be wise.

However, it is the sentiment of this judge that we might deem to be wise. The idea is that if we will take the comparatively succinct and simple laws of God found in the pages of the Bible, there will be no pressing need to memorize the myriad of laws on the books in this or any other country. One who truly follows Christ is one who will be a good citizen, faithful in paying taxes and obeying the law of his land (when and where it does not conflict with the supreme law of God). Read Romans 13:1-7 and notice the character of the disciple of Christ when it comes to submitting oneself to civil government.

God's law is amazingly simple when one considers the timeless wisdom and applicability. We serve an infinitely wise God who has provided us with everything we need to live in peace with both God and man!
