Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She Survived

This past Sunday morning, I presented a sermon on what happens when a woman exercises her so-called "right to choose" (a.k.a. abortion, a.k.a. infanticide). I have already received quite a number of requests for a copy of that sermon on DVD -- evidence that people care about this issue (as they should).

As a follow-up to that study, I wanted to make you aware of a certain woman's story by providing a link to a video of her recent appearance on a television program.

The biological mother of Gianna Jessen (seen at right) decided to have a saline abortion procedure performed seven and one-half months into her pregnancy...thus exercising her "right." For 18 hours, little Gianna was literally burned with this poison INTENTIONALLY, until her mother ACCIDENTALLY went into labor, delivering a two-pound LIVING baby girl. Now obviously, this story has a happy ending since you can see her photo at 31 years of age; but multiplied millions of unborn boys and girls are not so fortunate.

Fortunately for little two-pound Gianna, the doctor who had performed this despicable act was not present when she was born. The nurse on duty called an ambulance and had little Gianna rushed to the hospital. Gianna obviously survived and is doing well, but she was stricken with cerebral palsy. By the way, if you've never seen a photo of the outcome of a saline abortion, I would encourage you do do an internet search. You will never feel the same about this horrible, disgusting act of murder again -- even if you already are opposed to it. I will warn you, though, it is extremely disturbing.

I have posted the video of Gianna on Hannity & Colmes below. The video obviously has some political discussion, and as I said Sunday, some of that is unavoidable when we're talking about this issue. I make no apologies for including this video. If you are perceptive enough to surmise who I may cast my vote for this November, so be it; but I will not tell you for whom you should vote. I am not a political commentator, and will therefore stay out of politics as much as is possible (at least in a religiously oriented forum such as this).

I am, however, passionate about speaking for the 40-million plus boys and girls who have no voice due to the fact that they have already been murdered. They were murdered by mothers who have simply been lied to and convinced this is a normal medical procedure they have every right to undergo. I simply cannot be silent on this matter, and I personally cannot in, good conscience, lend any support of ANY kind to someone who is responsible for perpetuating this atrocity. But that's just me....and you are welcome to take that for what it may be worth.

God will avenge the blood of the innocent, and they don't get more innocent than little baby boys and girls. What are we going to do about this? What are YOU going to do about this? Do you support "a woman's right to choose," or a baby's right to live?? That is the only question that really matters here.

Jenna's personal website can be found at

Here, now, is the video...
